College Station Ministry Trip

April 19, 2013
Howdy Ya’ll!
Yup that’s right I am back from my ministry trip to College Station. Thank you to everyone who prayed for us and partnered with us financially. It was an awesome trip! We drove down to Texas on Easter Sunday and then we got back to Kansas City late the next Saturday night. A typical daily schedule looked like waking up bright and early to be on the campus of A&M for a morning prayer meeting at 7 am. Then around 10 a group of people would stay behind on campus and do some evangelism/ pray for physical healing. If you didn’t stay on campus, then you either came back to the College Station House of Prayer (CSHOP) and either played or sang on a worship team or did CEC with the kiddos. Then we had a few hours break and that evening there was a teaching, what we called an encounter God service (EGS). A couple of days we even did prophecy rooms. I think the teams prophesied over like 100 people. Crazy!

One of our main focuses on this particular trip was to bless the moms. There are several young couples with small children at CSHOP. Most of the time, the moms do not get to be in the prayer room because they are taking turns serving. So one of our main goals for the week was to take the kids off their hands and give them some time to just be in the prayer room and soak. My main focus was the children’s ministry (CEC). We had between 20-30 kids depending on the day. The oldest one was five and the youngest was 11 weeks old. The majority were like 1 or 2. Everyone else on the team rotated through all the different activities, but I did CEC the whole time. I did it for like 7 hours a day. Man was it exhausting…but so worth it!

The very first day that we were there, we were outside playing with the little ones and Cynthia, the lady who is kind of in charge of the prayer room came out and told us the sweetest thing. She said right now all of the moms are sitting together in the prayer room just praying and worshiping. She said they had just realized that in the whole 3 years the prayer room had been going, they had never once all sat together like that. That was enough for me. Even if nothing else happened that week, I knew that was powerful. But of course there was more. The moms were so blessed and you could just feel their excitement and appreciation. They were also really thankful to sit in the prayer room with their husband. One lady said that normally they have to take turns with the kids so they don’t get to be in there together. That week they did =)

My favorite thing about our time there was not just that we were babysitting, but we were actually getting to teach the kids the Bible. They had already learned about God the Father and Jesus the Son so I got to teach them about Holy Spirit. Man I love Holy Spirit! The first day we talked about Pentecost and how little flames rested on all the people who were in the upper room. Then we made a fun craft where each kid had a headband and they colored a flame and attached it and wore it. I wish I would have taken a picture! 20 kids running around with little Holy Spirit flames…powerful!

The next day I taught them how Holy Spirit is our teacher and how we have to listen very carefully to hear Him. So we made big ears by cutting a paper plate in half. We attached a pipe cleaner and then glued ears on that said something about listening to Holy Spirit. Ya’ll these kids are amazing. I was telling one of the dads that his daughter was coloring fire on her ears. Then he told me a story that was crazy. One of the guys was getting ready to preach at CSHOP and the dad walked over to his daughter who is 2 and another girl who is 4 and said hey let’s pray for him he’s getting ready to preach. The 2 year old looked out the window and saw the guy and was like no he’s already got the fire on him. Then he turned to the 4 year old and asked her if she wanted to pray. And she said the same thing. Who are these kids ya’ll? Sure the crafts were cute but I really believe that week there were seeds sown and the lessons went deep. I got a couple of testimonies from a couple of the moms at the end of the week. The ears really impacted them. One mom said that one night the 4 year old put on her ears and said I have to put on my ears and talk to Holy Spirit because I haven’t talked to Him in a while. Then proceeded to pray Holy Spirit give me ears to hear your voice. I love you. Amen. Precious! Another mom said her daughter put them on and then put them on mommy and daddy and said you need to hear what the Holy Spirit is saying. 

My favorite night of the whole trip was the second to last night and I had not had a chance to eat dinner yet so someone brought me something and I snuck out to eat it real quick. When I came back in, I just felt the pleasure of the Lord over that room. The kids were having so much fun and the adults were full of joy. It was awesome! I thought wow if this is how I feel, how much more the Father? It was a sweet kiss from the Lord.

I was not able to be a part of the other stuff since I was in CEC the whole time, but I did hear testimonies of physical healings and there was even 1 guy at an EGS service who gave his life to the Lord and even got baptized that night. It was such a fun trip! My main take away however is that the Lord really has given me a gift to equip the next generation. Because it comes so naturally to me, I just assume everyone can do it, however when working with the people who are not necessarily gifted in that area, I quickly realized that it is something very precious that the Lord has given me. I feel very confirmed that I am where I am supposed to be and doing what I am supposed to be doing. Which is what I was hoping would happen.

One night while a I was there I had another dream where I was holding a baby and their head fell off. I had purposely not held the 11 week baby at all until then because she was tiny and of course I was afraid. Well the next day after my dream I said forget you stupid devil. I went and held the baby. And guess what? Her head didn’t fall off! Praise the Lamb!

Last story just because it’s really funny! One night a little girl asked me to read her a book. So I pulled her up in my lap and we started reading the book. All of a sudden she starts shaking and I am thinking oh no I wonder if she’s scared. But we were reading Jack and Jill. Nothing scary there. Then she stopped shaking and started crying. I asked her what was wrong and she said her pants were wet. That’s when I realized what happened. I pulled her off me and sure enough my entire left leg from the knee down was covered in pee. Haha what can you do? The best part about it though was the next day during the lesson, we hadn’t even been talking about it and she interrupts the lesson and goes, sorry I went potty on your leg. I appreciated that =)