There's this book by Max Lucado called The Oak Inside the Acorn. It's a children's book and I originally bought it to read to my Next Generation kiddos but as it turns out every time I've read it, it seems to be God's message to me. If you haven't read it I highly recommend it no matter how old you are but for those of you who don't like to read I will try to give a little summary. It starts with a little acorn talking to his mother who is an oak tree. He's so happy and loves being with her but she keeps telling him that soon he has to let go. Her words are, "Within you is a great oak, Little Acorn. Just be the tree that God made you to be." He's just a little acorn and can't imagine that inside of him is a big oak tree. So life happens and the time comes when it's time for him to let go and move on. He's so scared to let go but his mother's words keep ringing in his ears and when the time is right, he lets go and his journey begins. The book follows little acorn as he tries to be an orange tree and then a flower bush and realizes that he is not made to do either of those. Then finally one day he stops trying to be what everybody else wants him to be and just "is." He falls asleep and goes down into the soil and before you know it you watch him grow into this huge oak tree and he finally sees God's purpose for him and why he was created. Every time I read this book I cry but if you know me at all that's probably not a big shocker. I feel like I can totally relate to little acorn. I've spent my life trying to mold myself and create myself and become who other people want me to be and it's exhausting! I'm almost 28 and I have no idea who I am! I'm tired of striving and now I'm giving up and saying God, Your will be done. I'm letting go and asking God to show me who I am and what my purpose is. I'm going to just "be" and I am scared to death. This is a huge leap of faith for me. I had to quit my job and God is asking me to sacrifice my "Isaacs" (The people and things I love the most) and trust Him. Not only do I not know what will happen when I am in Kansas City, but I have no clue what will happen when I get back either. But I have faith that God is in control and he has a plan for me that is more than anything I would have ever imagined or dreamed. So anyway, this is my journey to be the tree that God created me to be. It's going to be a bumpy ride...but a beautiful journey =)
Hosea 2:14-16
14 "So now I am going to draw her back to me. I will lead her into the desert. There I will speak tenderly to her. 15 I will give her back her vineyards. I will make the Valley of Achor a door of hope for her. Then she will love me, as she did when she was young. She will love me just as she did when she came up out of Egypt. 16 "A new day is coming," announces the Lord. "Israel will call me My Husband. She will no longer call me My Master.
Song of Solomon 8:5
5"Who is this coming up from the wildernessLeaning on her beloved?"
This is beautiful!! What a true Amy Blog :-) All the different shades of pink and butterflies!
Love you,
Hi Amy. I really love the acorn image and I am excited that you're there. I'm praying for God to really bless your time there and for you to get a glimpse of what He is shaping you to be. It's perfectly suited for you & only you, and you'll love it, whatever it is!!
ps I will miss you next Friday at the GSW prayer room!!
I am so glad to see your blog and that you are having a blessed time there.We miss you at next generation I would be so grateful if you being such an awesome woman of prayer could please pray for Todd Gatzulis my brother in law. He has leukemia.He and my sister live in Arizona and I just went to visit. They are on my heart. Any and all prayers would be appreciated. Can't wait to hear more about your time there. Love, Colleen and her family
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