So I get here for move in and find out that all of my roommates got the same apartment- all except for me. It turns out there were so many new track 1 girls that they had to do some switching around of apartments and the other track 2 apartment is in the track 1 building. So not only did I not get any of my roommates, but I got the same apartment I had for track 1. So I could have left all of my stuff here the whole time! Oh well. So needless to say it was an interesting first week. I have all new roommates and of course because God is teaching me love and humility I got the one girl that I specifically did not want because she annoyed me. You would think by now I would have learned right? It has been an adjustment for sure. I like to think I’m pretty easy going and laid back and my old roommates were basically the same. Not the case with this group. Ah community living. I had a pretty ugly attitude the first 2 days, but I’m doing a lot better now. It would have been easier to keep my old roommates but I guess easy doesn’t go along with growing in love and humility. Go figure! It’s definitely going to be harder this time around.
I have new service assignments this track. Sadly, I no longer drive the shuttle. We do this thing called Hope City on Mondays. We go to the inner city and there is this building called the Kansas City prayer dome and people that live in the inner city come together and have a prayer meeting for the Holy Spirit to fall in Kansas City and then we feed them. It’s run by Mike Bickle’s sister who had a rough past and did jail time and has a heart for the poor and broken. She’s pretty hard core! Anyway I loved hearing the inner city people pray. It was raw and unpolished and a few times I cried because the heart behind the prayer was so beautiful. We’ll go every week and participate in the prayer meeting an d then every other week my service assignment is childcare. Then on Tuesdays I do this thing called the Samuel Company and it’s basically a teaching and then we take the kids into the prayer room and then come back and discuss what happened. It’s actually very similar to Next Generation. I’ll only do that for 3 weeks though because it ends in November. Then I will work at the CEC (children’s equipping center) room on the weekends. It’s basically like Sunday school during the EGS services. You do it once a week and you either work Friday, Saturday, or Sunday. So I’m really excited for that.
As for how God is working. Corey Russell taught last Friday for EGS. He’s a very powerful and anointed speaker and I actually hadn’t seen him at all the first 3 months I was here. Anyway, I thought it was really interesting because my friend Landon had a dream one time and it had me and Corey Russell in it. So I was listening to the message and it was mainly over John 17 and about the knowledge of God and loving God. Basically it was an awesome message. So it came time for ministry time and I was like ok God. I’m not sure if his dream had anything to do with this but I am taking a risk and stepping out and I am expecting you to move in a powerful way. So I went up for ministry time and again my legs started shaking. So whenever this happens I know God is getting ready to do something scary. It’s always good after but in the moment I am terrified beyond words. So the next thing I know Corey’s on the mic and he goes I feel like this is a time of deliverance for some people in this room. He said that God wanted to break the lies about who we thought he was and break in with revelation of his true character. So by this time of course I’m crying and shaking. Well then Corey starts walking around the floor and starts praying for people and he prayed for me! As soon as he put his hand on me my entire body starting shaking uncontrollably. Now God has shaken me before but this was crazy. I don’t even want to imagine what I looked like. Then 2 more guys came and joined him so all three of them were praying for me and when they came I let out a scream. I couldn’t even try to stop it, it just came. But then when it was done and I stopped shaking I breathed in and out real slow and an overwhelming sense of peace came over me. Then I opened my eyes and I was facing an entirely different direction. I don’t understand why God does it that way. Then later that night when we were waiting for class to start I was telling some of the girls what happened and they were like, that was you? A lot of them said when they saw Corey start to walk around and pray for people they sat down because they were sca red of what might happen if he prayed for them. I had my eyes closed so I didn’t even know it was him until after and they told me what they saw. I walked away with a heart of gratitude. I was like God I don’t understand why you do it this way and I actually really hate it in the moment but thank you that you love me enough to have Corey Russell pray for me. I feel like I’m to the point of I don’t care what it takes, do whatever you need to do God! At the end I felt like I was finally in a place where I can start receiving what God has for me. And it’s been true. Almost every night this week in the prayer room during the worship with the word set something that was sung totally spoke to my heart and I cried for a good portion of the 2 hour set. Pray for more!
On a sweet note, at the very beginning of track 1, during the intercession sets we pray for people who need healing in their bodies and there was an older man who stood up and nobody went to him so I went to him and prayed for his Alzheimers. That was the first time I prayed for healing too because normally there’s a lot of other people around that will do it. Anyway after that for the rest of the track he always sat by me. At first I thought it was just my imagination but then all my roommates notice d and asked me about it and I never knew why. I thought maybe he got healed when I prayed. He even asked one of roommates what my name was in the hallway one time. So tonight he was sitting behind me and just randomly during one of the sets he tapped on my shoulder and asked me if I could pray for him. So I did and then he told me that he was so blessed by me the first time I prayed for him and he just liked being in my presence and anytime I wanted to pray for him I was more than welcome. So that made me feel good.
On a sad note, Pop-Pop (my grandfather) got hospitalized this past week and it turns out he has a very aggressive stage 4 cancer basically all over his body. They thought he was going to make it a few months but I talked to my mom yesterday and they’re not even sure he’s going to make it through the weekend. This was so sudden and totally came out of nowhere. So anyway it looks like he’s going to pass away soon and I’m going to be going home for the funeral. I don’t know when because the doctors don’t know yet. So anyway if you could keep me and my family in your prayers for that it would be awesome. It’s my mom’s dad so she’s going to have the hardest time with it. Just pray for peace for the family and no pain for Pop-Pop. Si nce it is so sudden I feel like it’s more difficult for us but I feel like the suddenness is God’s mercy and loving-kindness for Pop-Pop. He’s doing it quickly instead of allowing him to suffer for months or years. God is always good and always in control no matter what the circumstance.
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