California Blitz!

November 19, 2010

So I am back from my ministry trip and I just have to say I had the best time! Thank you so much to everyone who supported me both financially and through prayer. It is an absolute pleasure partnering with you to see the work of God’s Kingdom. I don’t even know where to start so I guess I’ll try the beginning. Like I said in my previous blog I had a lot of fear going into this trip. I felt like I was 5 years old but honestly the biggest fear I had the whole time was who am I going to sit with on the bus? I was like Lord please let someone sit next to me that doesn’t think I’m boring and thinks I’m fun. Silly right? I had one friend besides the girls in my small group that I knew and I was really praying we would sit together. However, as it turns out she was on another bus because they divided us up by small groups. So there were 5 girls in my small group and they all paired up and sat together and I was the lone man out. So already I was like ok God I really don’t like this. So the bus was filling up and then a guy sat next to me. I was thinking wow this is going to be really awkward. The Lord is so good and faithful! The guy was really friendly and we started talking and he was also a first year student and he was from Houston! He literally lives like 20-30 minutes from my parents’ house. Small world right? Anyway he was really funny and we clicked instantly and got along really well. This was good because we had a 36 hour bus ride and slept overnight on the bus. So that fear was immediately squashed. There were 5 buses and we had about 300 students on the trip total. Once we got to California we all split up to different areas. My bus went to Rancho Cucamonga! Haha isn’t that fun? Our group was really small and I loved that. We had my girls small group and then a first year guys small group and with the leaders we had like 20 people total. It was great!

Friday: We got to California around 4 or 5 the next night and found out we were going to be living in a house of prayer. Can you think of anything my little heart desires more than that? The place was called Refuge House of Prayer and it reminded me a lot of the Katy one. I felt right at home. There was one room for the guys and one for the girls and we took turns going to the house of the couple who lead the prayer room, Ted and Toni, for showers every few days. (least favorite part but it could’ve been worse) The first night was really low key. We got in and got settled and they had vegetable lasagna waiting for us since we were still Daniel fasting. It was so yummy! Then that night they had a worship/intercession set and we got to pray and participate in that. Then we went to sleep.

Saturday: On Saturdays they do healing rooms, like at Grace. So some people were assigned to a room and were put on a team while others were assigned to sit in the main room and intercede for those getting prayer and to worship. I was assigned a healing team. Instantly I was freaked out but I was like ok God I put all this in your hands and said use me however you want to use me so if this is what you want I will do it. I was with 2 other guys and 1 girl. The main guy was really sweet when I told him I didn’t really know what I was doing and I don’t really even know if the Lord is gonna speak to me. He prayed for me and it was encouraging. So anyway, the way they do the rooms is a person comes in and writes down on a piece of paper what they want prayer for, then the dude at the front desk folds it in half and brings it to our room. We ask the Lord what He wants to say to this person before we even open the paper. Then we discuss what we got from the Lord and how it fits together and then the person comes in and we pray for them. I’m not sure if other rooms got the people that needed physical healing but our room pretty much just got people that wanted prayer. I think it was more like the prophecy rooms where you are just supposed to exhort and encourage. The first one went pretty well and I feel like he was really encouraged. Then it was the second one and I found out later she was the wife of someone very high up in leadership there or something like that. Before she came in or we knew what we were praying for I felt like God gave me the phrase “eyes like Esther.” I don’t really know what that means and someone prayed it over me once but I told the guy. When we opened the paper it said she wanted prayer for her eyes. So that was interesting. When she came in and we asked her what she wanted prayer for she said something completely different from on the paper. So the others went around the room and told her what they got and prayed and then it was my turn. I said ok I think this is going to sound really strange and I don’t even know what it means but I got the phrase “eyes like Esther.” The lady started crying. She was like that’s exactly what I really wanted prayer for but I didn’t want to bring it up. I have the seer anointing and my physical eyes have had a lot of problems lately and I feel like it’s interfering with me being able to see in the spirit. So I’m actually going to IHOP this week because the Lord said He wanted to give me the mantle of Esther. (whatever that means?) By this point the main guy leading was freaking out and he goes you don’t know this but this girl standing across from you is from IHOP. How funny is that? So anyway I prayed for her and I anointed her eyelids with oil and was basically like ok God I don’t know what you want me to impart to her but obviously there’s something you want to give her that you’ve given me so whatever that is I impart it to her. Then she said her eyes starting burning. I never figured out if that was a good thing or bad. Anyway the guys felt like after I prayed for her she was supposed to pray for me. So then she prayed for me and anointed my eyes with oil. I didn’t feel anything different but the main dude was really excited and said when we were praying for each other he saw fireworks and angels in the spirit so that means something must have happened. He said we were like kindred spirits. So I think that was definitely a divine appointment. The best part was afterward she walked out and the guy in charge, Ted, asked how it went and she goes. I just got what I was going to Kansas City for. Crazy huh? She still went but apparently she couldn’t stop talking about how much I blessed her after that. Ted kept telling me how much it blessed him that I blessed her because apparently she has a pretty impactful ministry. So that was pretty cool. Then I repented to the Lord for doubting that He wants to use me and that He speaks to me.

Sunday: This was a pretty low key day. We went to this place called the cove which apparently was a spot that was important back in the 70s when there was a revival called the Jesus movement and people got saved and baptized right there in the cove. So we went there and heard some history and even baptized some people. It was a beautiful day and a pretty cool experience.

Monday/Tuesday: These days we went to the campus of UC Riverside. They had been doing 48 hours of non-stop prayer and worship and we were going there to strengthen them and pray and worship with them. They had a tent set up in the middle of the campus where we all met to pray together. The first day we prayer-walked the campus and wrote down anything that we felt like the Lord was saying. We wrote it in a little notebook and they really appreciated our feedback. I have a funny story though. As we were walking around I noticed that all the plants by the psychology building were dead and then when we turned a corner I saw these awesome trees with lots of fruit on them. I was like oh this must symbolize something in the spirit but I couldn’t see what the building was. So when we stopped I told one of the guys in my group what I thought and he looked at the map of the campus and found the building and started laughing. I was like what’s so funny? He goes it’s the entomology building. I was like wait isn’t that like the study of plants? Yeah so turns out there wasn’t anything to it so that was funny. The second day they wanted us to go around campus and evangelize. I was not excited about this. The idea of evangelism is super intimidating to me but I said ok God here I am. I want you to show me the person on this campus that you want the most. The one that your heart breaks for the most because they don’t know you. So we’re walking around and the guy I was partnered with pointed out a girl sitting by herself and said what about her? So I prayed and felt like the Lord was highlighting her so over we went. My heart was pounding and I didn’t even know what was going on but before I knew it I was sitting next to her and introducing myself. I opened with the fact that we had a prayer booth in the center of the campus and asked her if she needed prayer for anything. She said no and then I asked her if she knew Jesus. She told me that she was a Hindu. I was like oh yikes. So I asked her if anyone had ever told her that Jesus was a real man and He wanted a real relationship with her. She eyes got huge and she was like no tell me more. It was crazy! She was so receptive. The guy I was with and I ping-ponged off each other and just told her about Jesus and a little of our stories and how He’s changed our life. Then she had to go to class and I asked her if I could pray for her and she said yes! So she didn’t accept Christ but we both felt like we planted a good seed. I was super grateful that the Lord highlighted her first knowing that she would be receptive and not spit in my face or cuss me out. Something happened to me too. When we were done and walking back to the tent I was overcome with joy and I was so excited about what just happened. There was something in me that came alive when I did that. It was new and I really liked the feeling. Plus since we’ve been back I feel like the Lord will put her on my heart randomly and I will pray for her. It’s kinda cool.

Wednesday: This was a day when all 300 students went on a tour of historical revival sites and listened to Lou Engle tell us the history. It was so fascinating and by the end of the day you felt tiny because you saw how much bigger this all was than you. I also walked away super grateful that the Lord is letting me be a part of such a historical happening. We started at Mott Auditorium, then went to the Rose Bowl, then Amy Semple McPherson’s temple where the Four Square church movement started, and ended the night on Azusa Street. In 1910 there was this amazing revival called the Azusa Street Revival and there have been a lot of words spoken about how in 100 years (2010 anyone?) God was gonna pour out another one. So we had an awesome night of prayer and worship on Azusa Street.

Thursday-Sunday: These days were the fight conference and student call. We were there for the conference but we were also serving in lots of different aspects. I didn’t really know what the conference was going to be about before. It was basically about missions and how we are all called to go. So there was a lot of really interesting speakers and the Lord definitely touched my heart in new ways. They gave several alter calls for if you were ready to be a missionary and go. I did not go up for any of those. I basically told the Lord ok God I am nowhere near there yet. I’ve told you if you want to make me a missionary than you still need to do a huge work in my heart. But at the same time when I said yes to you, my life was no longer my own and you know I’m going to say yes to anything you ask me to do. So I am not willing. But I am willing to let you make me willing. So that’s where I stand on that right now. I’m willing to be willing. I’m not actually sure how to articulate what’s on my heart about this part yet so we’ll just leave it at that.Who knows what the Lord has for me…

Then that last night we got on the bus and drove 2 days back to Kansas City. This time we slept overnight on the bus 2 nights. Needless to say, we were all ready to be home. Overall the trip was amazing. They gave us an acronym of our assignment and mission before we went and it was S.O.S. Strengthen the believers, Open the heavens, and save souls. There were awesome stories of people getting saved, healed, and delivered from the other groups too. So we all felt like we did a pretty good job of accomplishing this. Plus now we have faces and people in mind so when we intercede for California, we have more of a heart connect which is always helpful. One of our leaders said before we left that his main goal for this trip was that all of us students would just fall in love with each other and that is so what happened. We can’t even explain it but our group was like instantly brothers and sisters. I didn’t know my small group girls well at all and we became super close. I didn’t know any of the guys either, and as it turns out the guy I sat by on the bus was also in the group with us. We all came away with new brothers and sisters in Christ. On top of that, those guys served all of us girls more than I think we’ve ever been served. They gave up all their air mattresses so we didn’t have to sleep on the floor and gave us their coats when we were cold. They always let us take showers first and eat first. They would actually serve us food and refill drinks before they even ate one bite. They went above and beyond and really loved us and took care of us. It really opened my eyes to see how a Godly man is supposed to treat a woman. There was definitely some healing of my heart that took place this week. Actually there was a lot of healing I felt like the Lord did in my heart. Then the last night we played a game called I love you because and we went around the room and told everyone why we loved them. It was so encouraging and God really used some of those guys to speak straight to my heart. So all in all it was such an amazing trip! All my fears were like nothing once I was there. God is so faithful! Oh and last but not least. On the ride home I asked the guy if he wanted to be my bus buddy again and he said yeah so we sat together again and on the way home he goes Ya know Amy, I’m really happy we got to sit together. You are so fun! =)

P.S. As I was just finishing this blog I got a friend request on facebook from the guy that I did the healing rooms with and this was his last sentence in his message:

BTW-the testimony of the eyes of esther is still being talked about! :)

21 Days

October 31, 2010

I was informed by several people that the dates I post my blogs are not showing up. I tried to figure out why and I think it's just because of the new background I have and I couldn't figure out how to change it so from now on I will be putting the date in all my posts at the beginning. Hope that helps!

So it's been a while since I wrote a blog. I have had a lot happening inside me and in my heart and I think I'm needing some time to process everything. It's all good but I just don't think I have any words to put to it as of more to come later.

About a month ago, our school leadership informed us that we had the opportunity to go on a mission trip to California. Last year they took the 3rd and 4th year students to Boston and this year they decided to take all years and therefore 1st years such as myself were able to go. To be honest, I was not super excited about the trip. I've only ever been on one mission trip and that was in high school. I don't really count it though because it was more of a service project. We are going like really bare bones and staying in churches and sleeping in sleeping bags and taking charter buses so it's super cheap but it's not included in tuition so we each had to raise $500 in order to go. Now if you've been following my journey with money you will know that this was an instant stumbling block for me. Immediately I was like well I guess I'm not going because I don't have anywhere close to that amount of money just hanging around. Then one day in the prayer room they asked any of the students who were going on the trip to stand up and they wanted to pray for us. Initially I didn't stand but then saw that there were hardly any students in the room at that time so I decided well ok I guess I'll stand but it's not like anyone is going to pray for me anyway. God is so funny. When I stand and actually want prayer, nobody prays. But when I don't want it, everyone prays. I'm not kidding. I was like bombarded with prayer, and intense prayer about my calling and everything. So afterwards I sat down and I said ok God obviously I will take that as a sign you want me to go but you and I both know these funds are basically impossible so if you want me to go then you will have to come up with the money. And I mean I had like little to no faith that He would come through. Isn't that horrible how fast I can go from seeing the miraculous way He provided for me to get here and has continued to provide month after month even though I don't have enough monthly support raised yet to doubting that this time He's not gonna come through? But man did He. I not only was blessed with enough for California, but enough for an entire month of expenses including rent! He is so faithful even when I am basically faithless! He is just so good!! It was also really amazing to hear the God stories of my fellow students of how the Lord provided for them too. Every person who wanted to go got the funds! Now there's a total faith booster =)

So anyway the trip is November 4-November 15 which means I leave on Thursday which came a lot sooner than I expected it to. The school is doing a 21 day fast which started last Sunday so as of today I've been going about a week and then will continue through the end of the FIGHT conference in California. I would really appreciate prayer for grace for this fast as well as just that I would be open to be used however God wants to use me in California. I am excited but also have a lot of fear and anxiety in not really knowing what will happen...I'm sure there will be many stories when I get back. Thanks for the prayers!

Who Will Be a Friend of the Bridegroom? Who Will Be a Friend of the Judge?

This past couple of weeks has been really interesting in just how the Lord was speaking to me. There’s been this new chorus over the past month or so and it goes will you be a friend of the bridegroom? Will you be a friend of the judge? You know I’m all about the bridegroom but I don’t really know that much about the judge. But each time that chorus was sung, I felt my heart wanting more and more to be a friend of the judge. So that has been my prayer probably for about the last 2 weeks. God I want to know you as judge. Make me a friend of the judge! The thing that’s gonna cause people to fall away in the end times is that they are going to see the way that God is judging the earth and since they don’t understand His heart, they are going to be offended at Him and walk away. I don’t fully know what it means to be His friend, but I know I definitely don’t want to be His enemy! We have to read a different book each module and write a book review on it and the current one we read was called Unrelenting Prayer by Bob Sorge. I really loved it because it talked about being persistent in unanswered prayers and not giving up. There was one chapter in there called Restoration and Restitution. This chapter totally transformed my thinking on the way that God answers prayers. Here’s a little snippet from what I thought was the most thought-provoking paragraph:

“Now we’re starting to understand why God bears long with His elect. Is it possible, beloved elect of God, that God has called you to wait upon Him because He wants to exact as much as a sevenfold return from your enemy for the years he has stolen from you? If God had given you immediate justice, you would have simply received restoration. But now, because you have waited this long for justice, you are a candidate for restitution. Could it be that God has not yet avenged you of your adversary because He has more for you in this thing than you’ve ever thought or imagined for yourself? Maybe God hasn’t answered your prayer yet because He likes you. Maybe it’s because He’s chosen you. Maybe it’s because He’s chosen to catapult you onto the same path that the greatest saints of all time have trodden.”

It all comes down to believing that God knows what He’s doing and agreeing that His leadership is perfect and He really does know the best way and the best time that He would get the greatest glory and Jesus would have the pre-eminence! Remember, it’s not really about me at all. (I have to keep reminding myself.)

This past week at chapel, our teacher Shelley gave this great message about friendship with God and how we need to know Him as judge. The judge is the part of God’s character that makes the wrong things right. We have all been hurt. We have all experienced pain in one way or another. She said that we should never compare our pain to another person. There is no scale for pain and everyone is made up differently. Never discount your pain. The day before this message, there was a bunch of girls praying for me and they were so sweet and had good intentions in seeing me set free but at one point it got kind of overwhelming and intense and I asked everyone to stop praying for me. The next day my upstairs roommate, who was one of the ones praying, said that she felt like the Lord wanted her to tell me that He was never going to violate me. She said He says you’ve been violated a lot and He just wants you to know that He is never going to violate you. So often I look at my life and I say you know I’ve had it really good. I was never molested as a child or raped. I never had an abortion. Those girls are the ones that the Lord really needs to deal with. Those are the ones that really need the healing. What I’ve gone through, although I’ve thought it was painful, is nothing compared to those other girls. But herein again lies the problem. I’m comparing myself to others. I cried off and on throughout the message and then she gave an alter call for anyone who had been asking to know God as judge so of course I went up and stood there for a while and then all of a sudden I just got down on my knees and started crying. I don’t usually know why I cry and this time was no different. So I’m just sitting there crying and I felt like the Lord just kept repeating over and over to me. You need a judge Amy. Your pain is real Amy. You heart matters. Your heart is not insignificant. Let me avenge you! And I felt like He was not just talking about physical people that have hurt me, although that’s definitely a part of it, but He’s mainly talking about the way that the enemy has taken what has happened to me and lied to me and he’s the one that has violated my heart more than anyone with his lies. I felt like He showed me that I spend so much time focusing on the bridegroom part of God that I have neglected to get to know Him as judge. And it’s only when I let the judge into the most broken and painful places, that I can really encounter the bridegroom. I have to know Him as judge first before I can truly encounter Him as the bridegroom. So I repented and I asked Him to give me revelation of Him as the judge. I have several great teaching from Shelley that were part of our book list and they are specifically about God as judge so I think I’m going to spend this next GBF (global bridegroom fast) and really delve into what it means that God is a judge. The truth is, that I have really avoided God the judge because I’m scared of Him. I really need greater revelation of the truth of this part of His character. So I just loved how it all came together and I just knew that God was talking to me. I love that I’m actually encountering the voice of God. It’s not always how I thought it was going to sound, but I truly believe that I hear from God and that He speaks to me. That in itself is tremendous breakthrough!

There’s another part in the book that talks about the speedily of God. Sorge says:

“You may wait on God for a long time, but when God finally chooses to act on your behalf, He will act decisively and change everything dramatically and suddenly…The wait doesn’t mean God isn’t going to answer; it simply means He wants you to contend for far more than you were initially asking for. Beloved now is the time to contend for the supernatural! We must gives ourselves to unrelenting prayer, without losing heart, until we uncover the speedily of God.”

I feel like that is what is happening during this season. He is choosing to break in finally. He said that He has an agenda for this season and it’s inner healing for my heart. My heart matters. I’m starting to hear Him and I’m starting to feel Him. He is beginning to break in. And if this is true that it’s going to be speedily, I better buckle my seatbelt!

What Are You Doing With Your 80 Years?

Alright so this blog is actually a long time in the making. The Lord has been speaking to me on this issue for quite sometime and quite frankly I feel like it’s kinda controversial and potentially convicting for those who will read it and therefore I have continued to put it off. Truthfully more than anything I feel super vulnerable sharing it. I have been writing pieces of it off and on for several months and continuing to seek the Lord on if He actually wanted me to post it or if it was just something that I was supposed to write down. As I was praying about it the other day I felt like He said post it. If they choose to read it they will, and if they choose not to read, they won’t. So here is the biggest thing the Lord is currently speaking to me about. I invite you, if you choose to read it, to invite the Holy Spirit to speak what He wants to speak to you personally through it. Remember this is what the Lord is currently speaking to me and He may be speaking to you about something completely different…or He may be speaking this exact thing to you as well. The Lord is really speaking to me about how I spend my time and movies/entertainment.

Sometime over the course of the internship I felt like the Lord revealed to me that I was consumed with a spirit of lust. At first I was super offended. I mean I was already offended at Him for the circumstances in my life and now here He was telling me I was lustful! It’s not like I’m addicted to porn or out sleeping around. Those are the lustful people. What I feel like He’s revealed to me over the past several months speaks a different story. I am consumed with the spirit of the age. That’s a term that gets thrown around a lot up here in IHOP land, but basically it’s whatever we use to satisfy our longings and our desires outside of God. For instance, if you’ve been following my past blogs I use movies/entertainment. One of my core leaders during FITN was super passionate on this issue and gave us a talk one day about chick flicks and why she did not like them. She said they send an unrealistic idea of romance and true love because most of the time the main character is already in a relationship and he or she breaks it off because they finally found “the one.” Now if you know me at all you know that chick flicks are my thing so I was ready to come out with fists up and defend my chick flicks. So I thought of my two favorites and was going to prove her wrong. Sadly however, she was even right about those. The Notebook is one of my favorites, but Alli is actually engaged to her fiancĂ© when she cheats on him with Noah and leaves him because he was “the one.” Same thing’s true for Enchanted. Giselle is technically engaged to prince charming and Patrick Dempsey’s character is engaged to another chick. But they both leave their significant other because they have found “the one.” Even Sleepless in Seattle, the ultimate chick flick, she’s engaged to another dude! These movies make you think that once you find your "soulmate" life will be perfect and you will finally be complete. But in reality the only person that can complete you is Jesus. If you are not fully satisfied in Him first and foremost, another relationship will certainly not satisfy. Not being able to prove her wrong actually left me wrecked for a few days. Anyway I was reading this book online about a month ago. It’s called Sex and the Supremacy of Christ by John Piper. I highly recommend it and you can read it for free on his website I also read This Momentary Marriage and that one was really good too. Anyway as I was reading it I came across a section that really hit my spirit. Here is what the lady who wrote that chapter had to say:

“The culture of romance novels, soap operas, and women’s magazines does not draw nearly as much attention as male-oriented pornography. Men do graphic pornography. That’s an obvious problem. Women do romance. It’s the same kind of problem, though the participants keep their clothes on a while longer, and there’s more of a story to tell before they tumble into bed. Romance novels are female pornography. The sin comes wired through intimacy lust first and builds toward erotic lust. The formulaic fantasies offer narrative emotion-candy, not visual eye-candy. Romance tells a story about someone with a name, someone you fall in love with. It builds slowly. It’s more than a moment of instant gratification with anonymous, naked, willing bodies. But like male pornography, there is a progression from soft-core to more openly erotic, to frankly pornographic writings that target women. The male model Fabio made his career posing for formulaic book cover art. A big, strong guy, stripped to the waist, tenderly cradles a beautiful woman. He’s the knight in shining armor, protective, gentle, understanding—and the handsome hunk. The romantic novel genre has even made a crossover to evangelical Christian publishing houses. The sex is cleaned up; the knight in shining armor is also a deep spiritual leader who marries you before sleeping with you. But the fantasy appeal to intimacy and romance lusts remains as the inner engine that allures readers. Female versions of sexual-romantic sin are shop-floor rags as much as male versions. Jesus Christ calls all of us out of fantasy, delusion, and lust, whether the fantasyland is filled with naked bodies or with romantic knights. Jesus Christ is about the reality business.”

Now her opinion, in my opinion, is a little intense and she makes some strong statements, but she basically put words to what I feel like the Lord has been trying to show me. Me being consumed with a spirit of lust means I have been living in a fantasy land. And the thing is, it’s not just movies. When I first got back to Katy I was resolute that I was not going to watch TV since I had gone 6 months without it and was perfectly fine, so I thought I would just read instead. There’s nothing wrong with reading right? I had read Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers which is a Christian book and she wrote a trilogy called the Mark of the Lion. I had heard from 3 different girls that these were the best books and I had to read them. So I took the opportunity since I had nothing to do anyway and I read them. Even as I was reading the first book I felt like I was reading soft core porn. I even told my sister that when she asked me how I liked it. And this was a Christian book. The more fiction books I read, I thought to myself, now how is this any different than watching TV? Sure I’m not putting images in front of my eyes but actually I was in my imagination. Isn’t reading and watching TV basically the same thing? It’s all fantasy right? Before I didn’t really know and probably didn’t even care but over the past probably like 6 months the Lord has really been birthing in me a thirst for reality. So after my new found knowledge that reading wasn’t any better than actually watching TV, I decided well then I’m just gonna start watching TV again until I go back to IHOP, but Lord I want you to show me what you want me to see. I’m pretty sure I blogged on this before but I was shocked to see how much sex is streaming through even family comedies. Dancing with the Stars was super disappointing because they were practically naked as they were gyrating about and I just kept thinking, would I let my kids watch this? The funniest part is I love reality TV. I’m all about the bachelor/bachelorette and watched each of the most recent seasons of each. I had really high hopes for So You Think You Can Dance. But alas, it was just as bad. Almost all of the dances were filled with one person trying to seduce the other through the dance. Whenever the judges critiqued them they used phrases such as, that was hot, sexy, seductive, etc. The costumes were just as bad as dancing with the stars too. One part made me really sad though. There was one girl in the competition, who ended up winning, but she was 18 and fresh out of high school. After one of the early dances the judges told her she wasn’t sexy enough. So progressively throughout the competition she tried to prove them wrong. And she did a good job too. A few episodes in, the judges told her that she had finally found herself because she had found the sexpot inside her. Are you kidding me? I actually cried a little and that had to be the Holy Spirit because I would have never paid attention to that before. I remember thinking what is her dad thinking when he watches her in that costume or dance like that? But this is what I mean by the spirit of the age. Sexual innuendo everywhere, the idea that we have to be sexy/seductive to attract attention. Look at how much money is spent on plastic surgery every year. What teenagers/young women wear to get attention. But the thing is, we’ve lived so long this way, we don’t even know anything is wrong with it. We are all consumed with it in one way or another. And it’s only going to get worse.

I love trash TV. I don’t know if you remember but a while back there was this horrible show called Temptation Island where men and women come to this island and will get voted off if they don’t make alliances with eachother and there was all kinds of drama and seduction and backstabbing and I loved it. While I was back in Katy, I was checking my email and on those little news reel things a blurb popped up about Temptation Island 2. I didn’t even know there was a second one. So I clicked on it and I watched the first episode. I was drawn into it and for like 3 days I watched episode after episode on my computer. I’m not even kidding- the whole season. It was totally trash and nowhere near reality…and I loved it. You know this whole Twilight craze? You know why I haven’t read the books or seen the movies? Because I know how much I would get drawn into it. Did you ever watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer? Anyone else totally root for Buffy and Angel to get together? Anyone else think there was something exciting and mysterious about that vampire Angel? Oh yeah I know exactly how wrapped up I would get in this vampire business which is why I choose not to. I saw Sex and the City last year and it was so funny and so inappropriate. Then the sequel came out this year and I really had to battle going to see it, even though I know it was not something I needed to see, I really wanted to see it. To make matters worse, there was this new show called the Bachelor Pad where they put the most drama filled contestants from past seasons of the Bachelor/Bachelorette in a house together and they compete for money or something like that. It’s taken everything in me not to watch it on my computer. Anyway, it’s the spirit of the age and it’s so enticing. I’m not exaggerating when I say there’s literal darkness in this whole vampire obsession. And it’s only going to get worse.

During FITN I had this really disturbing dream 2 nights in a row. In the dream I was chasing after this woman and I was asking her for a kiss. She kept promising me she would kiss me if I would follow her. So I kept following her around and every time I would get to a new spot and ask for a kiss she would just move to another spot and I would follow her. Each time the place got progressively darker. There was not anything particularly pretty about the woman but for whatever reason I was just drawn to her, almost as if under a spell. So the first morning I woke up and I was super disturbed. I had never had a dream like that before and I was so confused and it really bothered me. I didn’t tell anyone either because I thought there was something weird with me. Then the next night I had the exact same dream, only this time right before I woke up I heard a voice speak the phrase, “beware the harlot Babylon. Flee the harlot Babylon!” This time when I woke up I understood what the dream was about. Dreams are mostly symbolic and it had nothing to do with the fact that it was a woman. According to the Bible, the spirit of the age is going to turn into this worldwide religion of tolerance where people think they can do whatever they want and fulfill all their desires and longings and there will be no consequences and Jesus calls it the Harlot Babylon. It is actually very clear in scripture that in the last days, people who proclaim to be Christian, and most actually are, will fall away because they will be swept up into this harlot religion of tolerance. “She” is personified as a woman in the book of Revelation. Therefore it was personified as a woman in my dream. I was really disturbed by how easily I was under her spell. I was instantly drawn to her and progressively throughout the dream it just became easier and easier to follow her. And I actually wanted to follow her. It was right after this that I felt like the Lord revealed the spirit of lust thing. At first I was like come on God it’s just TV and movies. Is it really that bad? I mean it’s all imaginary anyway right? But over the past several months I feel like He has opened up my eyes to see yeah as a matter of fact it is that bad and if I don’t cut it off now, I’m going to continue to be drawn deeper and deeper into the darkness. And movies are getting pretty fascinating these days with all the 3D and everything. I watched Avatar and I thought it was a really good movie. It had a little bit of everything for everyone. There was some romance along with an epic battle with martyrdom where men gave their life fighting for what they believed in. And it was visually stunning. Then I was house sitting for a friend right before I moved to KC and she had one of those awesome movie theater rooms and a friend came over and we watched it again in there on the big screen. It blew me away! I can only imagine what it was like in 3D in the real movie theater. But the thing is, it’s all fantasy. It entertains for 2 hours but then it’s over and you get back to reality. Now all of this seems intense and please hear me. I’m not saying movies and TV are ultimately evil. I saw Toy Story 3 over the summer and it was so cute! It was a really good movie and there was nothing inappropriate in it. I’m just learning that I need to start being careful what I put before my eyes. I was talking to one of my friends before I left and just telling him a little about what I was noticing with TV and he was telling me that he had started noticing it now too because now he was responsible for a little girl and her eyes and ears. He would have never noticed most of the stuff except that he now has a parent filter that he didn’t have before and it’s really opened his eyes. I invite you to do an experiment like I did and see if you don’t notice stuff you never noticed before.

So where has all this left me? In a search for truth, life and reality. Our lives are boring and mundane and we will do anything to try to entertain ourselves out of the boredom. This looks different for different people but we all have the same basic problem. Our lives are spent trying to cure the boredom. So I’ve really been seeking the Lord on what it looks like to live. I mean really live life. The Bible says Jesus wants us to have life and life abundantly and somehow I don’t think that means spending every Saturday night in the movie theater. So what did He mean? What does a dating relationship look like when our society’s typical date is dinner and a movie? They didn’t have TV and a couch to cuddle and watch a movie when Jesus was around. What was His original design for how a man and woman court each other? What are they supposed to spend their time doing? How about when they get married? What does a Godly married life look like? I don’t mean relationally. I mean how do we spend our time? Then what about after a few years and we have a family? What does “life” look like? I’ve been thinking a lot about how I spend my time lately and how most people would think me sitting in a prayer room for hours on end is a waste of my life. In the Bible Mary spent all of her time at Jesus’ feet and He told her that she had chosen the better part and that it would not be taken away from her. Now the truth is I could be celibate and never get married or have a family and be in the prayer room for as many hours in the day that I was not sleeping and the Lord would say it was a quality life and He would bless it. And that’s totally fine for me right now as a single chick. However it is my desire to get married and have a family so I don’t forsee that being how I will spend all my time in the future. My schedule as a student is crazy ridiculous and I have like no free time. Which works really well for this season of my life. I don’t have time to watch TV and any time that I do have where I would do something like that I can fill with studying my notes or doing my homework or reading assignments. One day when we die, each of us is going to stand before God and give an account of our lives and the way we spent our time. I cringe now just thinking about how many hours I have wasted in front of the tube or playing on the internet. I don’t want to be standing there with nothing to show for how I spent my 80 years. I’m going to take advantage of this season and really press into the Lord and seek Him on what it looks like to LIVE. What if cutting out all that other stuff really opens me up to true life? What if I finally come out of fantasyland and find real life?

The Lord is So Good...and I'm Starting to Think He Actually LIkes Me

I know this one is long overdue. My schedule has been so crazy since school started and I have had like no free time so today is the first day I can really sit down and collect my thoughts. I am so glad that I am here! Everyday I just continue to be more and more grateful that the Lord brought me here and to see what He’s doing. School is surprisingly going really well. We have weekly quizzes and so far I’ve only missed like 1 or 2 on each quiz. Turns out I actually understand and remember what I am learning! Praise God! This semester of class is actually a lot of review from FITN but it’s still good to get the repetition in me. So not much to report on school except that I love it!

I go to this certain set on Saturday because it’s a devotional which basically just means one person on the piano or guitar instead of an entire team of singers and instruments. It’s my favorite set and even when I was home I would listen to it every week. Anyway, for whatever reason the Lord really likes to speak to me through this particular singer. Maybe it’s because I have expectation when I go because He’s spoken through her so many times before. I dunno. So a couple of Saturdays ago I woke up and I had just had a rough night. When I first got here I was having a lot of nightmares and that night had been really bad. So when I woke up I said Lord I just need to hear from you today. I need you to speak to me through the devotional. I need truth! I am desperate for truth! Please no more lies. Well I went to the set and boy did He deliver. I actually went back and listened to it several more times after the fact because I wanted to journal it all down and then I copied it on here. So this is what He spoke to my heart that Saturday:

You’ve been searching for the point of life. You’ve been wondering if there’s more to this routine. You’re prone to boredom and you hate the mundane. You’ve been wondering if there’s more for your life. You’ve been wondering if your life has a meaning bigger than the meaning that’s already branded on you and you’ve been wondering if there’s more than what men say of you. But I am here to stop this whole entire room and I would gladly stop the entire world to tell you- there’s more to you. I hear the Lord say you have a noble heart. You have a lover’s heart and there’s something about the way of the cross. The Lord wants to give you the way of the cross. Something inside of you wants to give it all away for the sake of love. You have a heart not of this world. The Lord says I’m gonna give you a revelation of the way of the cross and no one who’s running in your circle is really gonna understand it. But I’m gonna give you a revelation of the life of the cross and no one in your family’s gonna understand it. I’m gonna give you a revelation of a lifestyle unfamiliar in this world, but I’m gonna give you a revelation my beloved one. You have a great great heart and I have a great great idea for you. It’s upside down from the standard of the world. If you’re willing I will take you there. Just look at me.

Then she sang a couple of songs and then this part came next:

Say goodbye to all those other lovers and run to me. Just come to me. Rend your heart. It’s ok to cry when you tear your heart at times. There’s a painful part of leaving it all behind. It’s the painful part of the cross. But I’m gonna be worth it all. Lonely at times is the path that leads to life and a broken heart will lead to the fullness. I said it would tear and at times you feel you’re ripping your own heart in two. But I’m worth it all. My love is better than the love of any man and my love is stronger than, it’s stronger than and my love will go deeper than the love of any friend though I realize there’s a moment of emptiness and pain. And listen, it’s ok to cry. I will meet you in the ache and I will cry with you. I know the lonely road and I will meet you on the path that leads to life and I will meet you. You did not make a mistake. I have something so much better for you than that. Even though what you leave behind was the best you’d ever had. But listen my beloved. Jealous is my name. I am jealous for you and sometimes there’s a pain in even being exclusive. But I’m the kind of love that won’t share you with another. I don’t want you for another. You are mine. You said you wanted to be mine but did you really mean you wanted to be mine? All mine? I am jealous for you. Easier said than done but I will meet you in the ache and I will make your heart come alive when you just learn to die. Commit your heart to me and I will give you something better than that even though what you’re leaving behind is the best you’d ever had. I have something better than that, even better than that. I won’t leave you alone and ashamed, for no one who waits will ever be put to shame. Wait, I say wait on the Lord. Just when the world tells you to do it for yourself, to make yourself happy, whatever makes you feel good they’ll say. But my way is better than that. Don’t do it only for yourself. I have a selfless way for you. Just take your cross and die daily to yourself. There is no other way to love. It is the voice of the bridegroom. If you love your father, mother more than you love me, you’re not worthy of me. Your brother, sister, your lover more than me, you’re not worthy of me. But come to me all who long to be whole-hearted, looking for a romance out of this world that lasts forever, come to me.
Then after she sang, she prayed: God I ask that you would set us apart. That you would come and put your hand on our hearts. Lord even on the broken hearts, the lonely hearts. Those specifically, who are choosing to tear their hearts, that you yourself would comfort. That you would satisfy. More than a reaching, more than a longing. Come and satisfy us Lord. Your love is better than wine. Let it be oh God. Let us experience the satisfaction of your love.

So yeah… (That’s me being totally unsure of how to respond to that, but since I sobbed for like the entire 2 hours, I know that it was the Lord singing straight to my heart through her)

The awakenings have been interesting again. I really didn’t want to go and since it’s part of our schedule I have to go every Thursday, Friday and Saturday. But something seems to be changing. I am actually starting to feel the presence of the Lord! It’s very slight. When I stand up and sing or when I’m standing up for prayer, I normally sway side to side but ever since I came back here, while I’m swaying side to side I start swaying back and forth at the same time. I never feel like I’m going to fall backwards or anything, but I feel very wobbly and pretty shaky. So of course the first place I go is that’s just my imagination. You just wanna feel the Lord so bad that you’re making yourself think that you are. So I kinda squashed it a little. But then this past Thursday someone prayed for me and it was soo good! She said a lot but the main part she said was don’t think because you’re not falling over that I’m not touching you. I have you in the deep water where you don’t get knocked down and I’m washing over you. Then fast forward to the awakening that same night and another random lady prayed for me and she said she saw a picture of me in a hot tub filled with perfumes and oils and I was just resting in it and soaking in it. (6 months of beauty treatments...and how appropriate that He would have me in a hot tub since I'm always so stinkin cold) But here’s the kicker. Another random lady came and prayed that same night and said she kept getting the verse in Ezekiel 16 and she read it to me:
6"When I passed by you and saw you squirming in your blood, I said to you while you were in your blood, 'Live!' Yes, I said to you while you were in your blood, 'Live!'…8"Then I passed by you and saw you, and behold, you were at the time for love; so I spread My skirt over you and covered your nakedness I also swore to you and entered into a covenant with you so that you became Mine," declares the Lord GOD.

She said I feel like the Lord is showing me that you are that little baby. God is standing you up and just like a baby who’s just learning to stand, your legs are a little wobbly. You’re learning to stand in His love. He had to make you ready for love. He says now she’s ready. So my wobbly legs aren’t my imagination. I really am beginning to feel the presence of the Lord! I keep going up for those alter calls to feel the love of the Lord and it’s gonna happen!

Not Who Am I...But WHOSE Am I?

Thank you for praying! I found a new place and rather quickly. Student housing sent me a list of available rooms and I just randomly started emailing ones that looked good and were in my price range. The house is actually in the same neighborhood I am currently in, only like a couple streets over and it’s basically the same kind of layout and the same price. It’s a two bedroom apartment in the basement of a lady’s house where she lives upstairs and will have another person in the house with her. It’s completely furnished which is awesome b/c I only have the bedroom furniture. In fact the bedroom was furnished too but luckily she can move that stuff out to make room for mine. It’s really cool though b/c I don’t have a dresser b/c mine didn’t make the move. It was too big and my dad told me that he was just going to buy me one once I got here. But there’s one in the room already and it’s nice and big so I don’t actually have to buy one. I was also going to buy a lamp but there’s one of those too so I don’t have to buy one. The Lord is such a great provider. I love that! I’m going to be living with one of my roommates from FITN from track one. The Lord is so funny. I would have never in a million years think I would be signing a one year lease with her. We both said we were not coming back to KC. It’s going to be good. We will be moving at the end of August.

Orientation was this week and it has been sooo good! I am just so grateful that I am here and I am sooo excited for school to start. I don’t think I’ve ever been this excited for anything to start in my life! The first day was your basic registration. There’s like 300 first year students for all 4 schools and probably about half of those are FSM which is mine so I stood in line for like 2 hours but I got to know the chick behind me in line pretty well. Then all the leadership got up and each gave a schpeel (sp?) about their vision for the year and how excited they were to have us here. Then that afternoon we were in the prayer room and for the last like 30 minutes of the set, Mike had us all get up and stand in the aisles and everyone else in the prayer room came around and started praying for us. It was so good! One person said she felt like the Lord was saying I had eyes like Esther and didn’t know the context but prayed into it and so I’m seeking the Lord on what she meant by that. But here comes the best one. Another girl came up and prayed and said that it was good that I was here for school but that’s secondary. The Lord has an agenda for you during this season and it’s inner healing for your heart. He cares about your heart. It’s the most important thing to Him. Your heart matters. And of course I started crying. I loved that He said Agenda. It implies intention. It’s not just a to do when I get around to it. No- He has an agenda and it’s my heart! Then I got a really sweet email that same day that I felt went along with that word and it really touched me. Then one night they had leadership come in and we spread out all over the room and people just came up and prayed for you whenever. One of the guys said he saw me as Esther and that I was going to intercede for governments. That I was going to intercede for Israel and that a spirit of boldness was going to come upon me. Something like that has been prophesied over me before as well so I thought that was pretty cool. There seems to be an Esther theme. They just keep soaking us in prayer! The whole week I have just felt like royalty. They are making a really big deal out of us and telling us how honored they are that the Lord trusts them with our hearts. They are really going to hold us accountable and disciple us which I am so excited about because I need all the help I can get. I feel really important which I’m not used to feeling. I really have no clue…who am I? Last night at the awakening one of the girls got up and gave a testimony of how the Lord set her free from depression and a variety of other things and she said that before she got up and gave her testimony she was just sitting in her chair and crying because she thought of how it took so long for her breakthrough and now we’re here after the awakening has started and how we’re not going to need to wait 3 years for our breakthrough and that she feels like the Lord is going to do a quick work and she was so excited for us. So basically I’m just super grateful that the Lord has me here during this time. We’re the first students to be in the new building too and today we took a tour and it’s beautiful!

So what is the Lord speaking to me these days? He’s teaching me what it means that He made me female. The counselor that I went to really got to the heart and root of a lot of stuff and she was totally Holy Spirit filled and Holy Spirit led. During one of our sessions, she asked me how often do you celebrate the fact that God made you female? On a scale of 1-10 how much would you say you embrace your femininity? I said on special occasions I love to get dressed up and dolled up! What about on just an average day? I told her I am basically a jeans and t-shirt kinda gal. She told me that when she was in college she was all into sports and was a total tomboy and the Lord surprised her one day and told her He wanted to take her on a journey of learning what it meant that He made her female-not just on special occasions-but everyday. Then she mentioned Queen Esther and the story from the Bible and how she had to have beauty treatments to be ready for the King. I told her that was really interesting because before I went to FITN and during it was prayed over me several times how I was like Queen Esther and this was a time of preparation for my Heavenly Husband, as well as my earthly husband. Now at first that sounded romantic and I was so excited to see what the Lord had for me. I mean beauty treatments who’s not gonna sign up for that right? Now here’s the funny part. Sometime during track two I was reading the book of Esther and came across that very passage and I was shocked because here’s what it actually says…

12 Before a girl's turn came to go in to King Xerxes, she had to complete twelve months of beauty treatments prescribed for the women, six months with oil of myrrh and six with perfumes and cosmetics.

Six months with the oil of myrrh came first. The oil of myrrh symbolizes death. Here I thought it was all perfumes and cosmetics but I missed the most important step-death. I met with a lady that I did freedom and healing with at my church about a month ago. It had been 3 years since we had last met. I couldn’t believe it had been that long. Anyway she knows everything I’ve gone through the last year and as I was telling her how I just feel like I’ve completely come to the end of myself, completely at the Lord’s mercy, and I’m more confused now than when I started FITN. She was like Amy I can’t help but notice how the Lord is answering your prayer. In my mind I’m thinking what could you possibly mean by that? She said remember at the end of our time together you prayed that prayer “whatever it takes?” You wanted to be at the end of yourself but you just weren’t yet. It seems to me that this past year has been God answering your prayer. So let me warn you that “whatever it takes” is apparently a very dangerous prayer. Had I known this is what it took I don’t know that I would’ve prayed that. However, it’s the Lord’s kindness that we don’t know what we’re saying yes to before we say it, because we probably wouldn’t say yes if we knew. He just asks us to obey first and therefore that is what we need to do. During our last session the counselor told me that even though it was painful, she felt like the Lord was showing her that everything I have gone through in the last year was necessary. She said the Lord gave her a picture of me and I was a pile of wood. First I had to be broken and cut down into a pile and in my words literally come to the end of myself, now He can start from scratch to build what He wants to build, what He’s always wanted to build. Then I remembered that some random person prayed over me sometime during track 2 that the Lord was breaking me down so that He could build me up into who He’s always dreamed of me being. I had forgotten about that until she said it and confirmed it again. Not that it was exactly comforting to hear all this, but at the same time at least it confirmed why this past year has felt like death itself. Because that’s exactly what it was. Death! It has a purpose and it was not in vain. Now I am believing by faith that season is over. I mean we’re always going to progressively be dying as we let go of our flesh and embrace the cross. Such is the way of Christianity. But it’s never gonna be like this again. Sure there will be death, but I’m gonna know the character and the ways of the Lord better each time and so it’s not going to be near as painful. SO by faith I am declaring this season of death done. Finished. No more! I had a year of death and therefore by faith I am believing for a year of life. I am believing for not just six months of perfumes and cosmetics, but a year, in Jesus’ name! I’m ready for spring and for new life. Basically I feel like I am finally where I thought I was a year ago coming into FITN.

Thus begins my new journey. What does it look like that God made me female-everyday? I bought some cute new summer dresses (all of which were either only $10 or $15 thank you Lord) and I know some of you will not believe this, but I am actually going to start wearing shorts. My roommates are so funny because when they saw my clothes they got so excited. During FITN I made a conscious effort not to draw attention to myself because I was here for the Lord and didn’t need the distraction so I basically just wore jeans and t-shirts the whole time. I think the fact that they even see bright colors in my closet now excites them which is so funny to me because I’ve always worn bright colors. I was like see I told you I had cute clothes, I just didn’t bring them to FITN. It wasn’t the season for them, but now it is. Also, one of my friends surprised me before I left for KC and took me to lunch at the galleria and then took me to MAC to get my make-up done. It was such a sweet treat and she even bought some stuff for me. It was such a blessing because that stuff isn’t cheap. So now I even own make-up. Not that I’ll wear it every day, but my counselor said during her season she would just ask the Holy Spirit when so that’s what I plan to do. It’s going to take a while getting used to but I’m excited to play with it. And I got my hair cut and highlighted before I left so it’s really cute and summery. It’s really interesting to me too because as I’ve been sharing where the Lord has me with my roommates, they share where the Lord has them. One girl, who has really only worn dresses and skirts, is now starting to wear jeans. One girl who has worn make-up since she was in 5th grade is now taking a break from it for a season and not wearing any. I just found it so fascinating how the Lord is so personal with each of us. He is speaking one thing to me and at the same time the complete opposite to someone else. I just thought that was pretty cool.

A book I read states “you are a Christian and then a woman. And that’s the order of information that’s most important about you. Your most important identity is as a Christian, ransomed by God himself. Second to that is your identity as a woman, made feminine and made in God’s image.” One of my friends gave me a book that I am also currently reading and I haven’t finished the book yet, but there is one chapter that has stuck out to me so far. It’s called Not who am I? But WHOSE am I? She says “Most women start at the wrong place. They start with themselves. They ask, “Who am I? How do I really feel?” and they assume that if enough people express their personal opinions on this subject we will all somehow arrive at the truth of the matter…but in order to learn what it means to be a woman we must start with the One who made her.” So I am really seeking for truth in this season. The devil has done everything he can do to use my circumstances to convince me that God is mean and doesn’t like me and that I’m never gonna get it so I might as well just give up. But the truth is that God really is protecting and guarding my heart. He knows something I don’t and He loves me so much that He wouldn’t allow my heart to get hurt any more than it already has. He decided to change someone else’s heart instead of mine, even though I begged him to change mine, and that’s just how it is. What I perceive to be him being harsh and mean is actually his gentleness and loving-kindness to me. During track 2 sometime at one of the awakenings, Misty Edwards prayed for me and I just keep clinging to her words. She said God says there is nothing wrong with you. I have set you apart for myself. I want you! You are Mary of Bethany. You are the shulamite. The Song of Solomon is your story. There is nothing wrong with you. I have set you apart for myself. I want you! This is truth and this is what I am clinging to with everything I have. Pray for truth. Truth of who Jesus is and truth of how He sees me and feels about me.

Adventures in Missouri...and Kansas

Kansas City living- where do I begin? Well the electricity was only out for 3 days and then we were all able to move back in. I’ve really enjoyed my time with my new roommates. Our schedules are kinda funny because they both work mornings at coffee shops and I am doing nights so they are basically getting up and leaving when I am coming in in the morning and they go to bed when I’m getting ready to go to the prayer room. So far it has actually worked out really well. It’s really fun when we are all 3 home together at the same time. However it looks like that’s pretty temporary. In August I was supposed to move out with the two girls who live in the basement with me into one of their friend’s houses. Well as it turns out, the girl overbooked and asked too many people thinking not all of them would say yes and unfortunately there was not room for me =( I was really bummed because I was really looking forward to living with them but tis life. Now I have to find new living arrangements. I have a couple of options. Student housing has a list of people who have rooms available in their houses and I a have emailed a few that sounded good and will see what happens there. The house I am currently in I can stay till November and one of the other girls is staying till November and if worse comes to worse I can just stay and then in November get an apartment with the other girl. It’s not my first choice though. Not because of the girl, just because I would like to be settled sooner than later. Currently I haven’t really unpacked anything except my clothes because there’s really no point if I’m just going to pack it all up again and move. I’m just ready to be settled and know that I can stay there for a significant amount of time. I swear I’ve moved more in the last year than I have moved in my entire life! But I’m not worried. It’s not looking the way I thought it would but what does these days? God knows where He wants me and who He wants me to live with and I trust that He will help me to make the right decision. Prayer for that would be great though!

Since I have a lot of free time I have been doing a lot of exploring the area. It’s really cool because we’re basically just right on the edge of Missouri and if you drive not far at all then you are in Kansas. There’s literally a street called State Line that separates them. So there’s a lot of options. Praise the Lamb for my GPS! Best birthday present ever! I would have gotten so lost around here without it. When I came with my mom and we were driving around just checking stuff out I got really excited about a new place to explore with new people and making new memories with those new people. My whole life has been in Katy and there are so many memories attached to that place. I’m ready to put the past in the past and move on with my future. Meet new people and make new memories.

I got more information about school and orientation and stuff and it looks like my whole first year I don’t get to do nights =( I thought it was just the semester but they revamped stuff this year and I guess that got changed. But after that, 2nd year through 4th year classes are from 3-5pm so it’s totally doable. Classes aren’t too early either. My first thing I have is 10-12 so I won’t have a big problem with that. The schedule is really packed out though which is good because I definitely appreciate the structure, but at the same time it’s really packed out. I think I'm gonna have to pack my lunch. My schedule looks like this:

Monday: 10-12 Class, 2:30-6pm Prayer Room
Tuesday 10-12 Class, 12:30-2pm Chapel, 2:30-6pm Prayer Room
Wednesday 10-12 Class, 12:30-2pm Discipleship Groups, 2:30-6pm Prayer Room
Thursday 10-12 Class, 12:30-2pm Practicum, 2:20-6pm Prayer Room
Friday 2-5pm Class, 6-11pm Awakening
Saturday 6-11pm Awakening
Sunday 6-8:30pm FCF (Church)

This is all I know right now. More to come after orientation...

New City, New House, New Season

So I officially made it to Kansas City. It has been quite an adventure already. My room is in the basement and a couple months back they had found a leak and had to rip out a section of the wall. So we arrived here on Wednesday night and we were supposed to be able to move in Thursday but they weren’t quite done yet so we actually had to wait until Friday. But finally Friday evening we got everything moved in and I slept in my new room for the first time. So weird! So that was fine but then Sunday morning a wind storm came through. I don’t think it was officially a tornado but there was a lot of damage. I actually slept through it. I heard it but just figured it was a normal storm. The funny thing is though since my room is in the basement and doesn’t have any windows; it’s the safest room in the house to be. So if it happens again, even if I’m asleep, I don’t have to worry because everyone will just pile into my room and wake me up! Well one of the trees in the backyard behind us blew over and fell into our yard and in the process fell on a power line which knocked the meter box completely off the house! So needless to say we are officially without electricity for a few days. It’s cool though because I was able to go to my friend’s house to take a shower and charge my phone and computer and all that stuff. And on the plus side, two huge trees fell down and blocked both entrances to the neighborhood so now I know every back way in the neighborhood. But last night was really fun. My roommates and I needed to eat all the food in the fridge before it went bad so we had kind of a pot luck feast last night. We lit a bunch of candles and stuffed ourselves until we could eat no more. We ate and talked and just sat around with the candle light and it was so much fun. One of my roommates said she knew a couple of people who fasted electricity for a couple of weeks and basically just used candles. I don’t know if I’ll do it on purpose any time soon, but it’s totally doable.

I’m slowly getting into a routine and schedule. I decided to start doing the prayer room from midnight to 4am. But sadly, I think that once school starts first year classes are in the morning and I won’t be able to do the nights, at least for the first semester so basically until January. I know they are changing some stuff this semester so I’m praying that this might change too but somehow I doubt it. So I’m trying to think positive but honestly I’m totally bummed that I won’t be able to do nights for a while. So I’m taking advantage for this month before school starts and doing nights. I am going to need a lot of prayers and grace if I have morning classes though. I am so not a morning person! This transition time before school starts will be interesting because I have nothing to do so I will probably spend a lot of time in the prayer room and awakenings. My roommates are all really excited to have me here finally so I feel really loved and that’s been helpful for the transition. I won’t really know a whole lot about school until I go to new student orientation on August 10 so I can’t really answer many of ya’lls questions about my classes or schedule until then. But once I find out, I will let you know.

So what is the Lord talking to me about these days? A couple of things that I will share more on next time but right now- money. When I first got back to Katy I was kinda feeling things out job wise to see if there was anything for me there. I tried like 3 or 4 different things that should have been fool-proof and nothing happened with any of them. One day I was praying about it and asking the Lord why it hadn’t worked because I really needed to make some money. I felt like He said because you’re not supposed to get a job. You’re supposed to write a support letter and trust me to provide for you. So I did. Raising my own support has been an interesting journey so far. It’s a total pride killer and I think that’s a part of why God does it that way. To kill our pride. I have always loved being an extravagant giver. I loved being able to bless people when they needed it. But now the tables are turned and I am the one that is in need. I quit my teaching job like 3 years and it was super scary but I had almost $20,000 in savings so I knew I would be ok. Then I got a job at my church that was part time and paid $12/hour so I basically made $12,000 that year and lived perfectly fine off of that and only had to dip into my savings a little bit. Then I quit that job and did the internship. I could have raised support for it but in my pride decided against it and knew I had enough in savings to cover it so I did that. Quite frankly I just did not want to raise support. So I did the internship and towards the end of track 2 I noticed that my money was rapidly depleting and I started to get anxious about it. I heard a teaching once about how the amount of anxiety you get about not having something is the amount that it’s an idol in your life. It turns out I never knew money was an idol because I always had it, but once I wasn’t comfortable anymore, I became very anxious. Since the one area that the Lord says to test us in is money I decided I had nothing to lose. I love hearing stories from other people of how the Lord provided for them when they really needed it. I call them God stories. I was talking to the Lord one day and told Him I wanted a God story. So I decided that I was going to give away everything I had before I went home. Well, that was the plan, but of course I chickened out and reasoned my way out of it. Then I waited until Christmas and bought all my presents and by February still hadn’t gotten a job so finally in February I paid off all my bills and then kept what I needed for bills for the next month and then gave the rest of it away. I didn’t tell a lot of people either because I didn’t want people to feel like they needed to give me money. But here’s the kicker, literally two days after I gave it all away, I had to have my appendix out. It happened out of nowhere and there were no complications because they caught it before it burst, but now I have a $2,000 hospital bill. So I’m still trying to figure out what that was all about and the timing of it all. But I totally have a God story now! Some of ya’ll have heard this but I know some of ya’ll haven’t. My pastor did a sermon on the story in the Bible of the talents. Jesus gave 3 people money and told them to invest it in the kingdom. So my pastor decided to choose 3 people from each service and give them money to invest in the kingdom. He gave them 2 weeks and then they were to come back and tell the congregation what they did with the money. Well one of the ladies that was chosen is a lady that I had only known couple of months because we worked in the call room together. She was given $200 and decided to make and sell cakes for $25 and use her mother’s recipe. Well as it turns out she took like 96 orders and some people even just donated money to the cause and she made $2,600 and decided to give it to me! It was such a blessing and total confirmation that I was doing what I was supposed to and that the Lord was going to provide. I loved it too because she got to bake cakes which she loves to do and opened her windows in the kitchen and got to enjoy her garden while she was baking and communing with the Lord. I was talking to one of my friends afterwards who is kinda in charge of the call room and we were just talking about how it all came together and how there were so many small acts of obedience leading up to it that didn’t seem like a big deal at the time but if one hadn’t happened then none of this would be happening. What if she had never asked me to go to coffee once I got back. What if I hadn’t agreed to do the call room? I would have never met this lady. It was just really cool to look back over the way that it came together and see how the Lord had been orchestrating something that wasn’t even on my radar and completely blew my mind. I love that I am starting to have God stories now. One day I was out shopping with some gift cards and I was telling the Lord that I really wanted a new purse since mine was sort of falling apart but I didn’t have the money for one. The next day I got a gift card in the mail for $25 to Target and I went and found a perfect one for 24.99. Isn’t the Lord good? So anyway, raising support has been an interesting journey and I’m sure will continue to be. I have received about 250 in monthly support and then received a lot of one time donations. All of which is a total blessing! I guess I thought that I would just automatically get the monthly support though. But even in that I feel like the Lord is teaching me to be completely dependent upon Him. If I got the monthly supporters and knew I had 850 coming in each month then I wouldn’t have to trust the Lord as much. This way I am fully trusting in the Lord which is unbelievably scary but I know it’s the place the Lord wants me. It’s funny too because at the last monthly prayer meeting we had for the Katy prayer room people were talking about money and just how the Lord’s timing is always perfect and often will come at that very last moment before the bill is due. One of the guys up here says that God is never early but He’s always on time. As one lady was telling us her God story of what the Lord was doing in their lives financially and talking about how the Lord always seems to show up right at the last minute, another lady said that when she was listening to her story she felt like the Lord said because it’s more romantic that way. Think about all the cheesy chick flicks and how the couple finally comes together at the very last moment. It’s more exciting that way. That’s how God, the ultimate romantic, wants to come to us- at the very last moment, because it’s more romantic that way. I may be wrong, but I feel like the Lord is doing it this way because He wants to surprise me at random times. Plus this way I’ll have more God stories. (At least that’s what I’m telling myself right now to keep from becoming anxious =P) So as with everything with the Lord, I’m going on another journey…but I’m not going to be anxious about money anymore and I am going to know God fully as my provider.

And The Journey Continues...

I realized I never wrote a final blog for my time at the internship. The end of my time there was pretty much a whirlwind but I will do my best. The last couple of months that I was there our daily schedule pretty much got thrown out the window because the Holy Spirit fell in a new and exciting way. What does that mean exactly? It’s hard to really explain but basically the power of the Holy Spirit became so strong that when people prayed for other people, they got healed. And we’re talking all kinds of healing- physical as well as emotional and heart wounds. This started in November and they are still having the awakening meetings every Wednesday- Saturday from 6 pm to midnight. There’s an article that does a much better job of describing it for those of you that are interested.

The awakening was interesting. There was a lot of stuff happening that I was unfamiliar with and had never experienced before. I’ve had certain things that I have been praying for and several times I’ve wondered if my expectations of God are too high and what I’m asking for is ridiculous. But during the awakening, everything that I’ve been praying for and crying out for happened. Not to me, but it happened to other people. I go back and forth on thinking that asking for a hug from the Lord is silly but there were several testimonies of people who said they felt the tangible arms of God around them. It’s possible! One of the things that I’ve also been crying out for is to “feel” God. Everyone always talks about the presence of the Lord and when they say they feel Him I always ask what it feels like. I’ve realized it’s more than just feeling His presence that I want though. I want to receive His love for me and know that I know that I know that He loves me. A lot of what was happening was that God was breaking into hearts and setting them free from years of lies and wounds and rejection and self hatred. When this happened, people would finally feel the love of the Father for the first time. Where it was just head knowledge before, it finally became real in their heart. That’s what I have been crying out for- God just move it from my head to my heart. I always felt like God could break in and in an instant like the verse says His perfect love could come in and cast out all fear. And it was happening! Every time someone got up and gave a testimony then they would pray for people. If a girl got up and described how she felt the love of the Father for the first time and it was real to her heart then they would ask people if that sounds like you raise your hand and people will pray for you. I stood up every time for prayer and it never happened. Listening to testimonies was so frustrating! I would hear things that God did to other people and it would be exactly what I have been crying out for. Now it wasn’t just pie in the sky ideas, He was really doing it. When people would say what happened to them I would just sit there and cry going God that’s exactly what I’ve been praying for and look you’re doing it. You can do it. Why aren’t you doing it in me? There was one particular testimony that got me the most. One girl said that she had never felt the love of the Lord and when people would pray for her in the past she would just start crying. The people that were praying thought that since she was crying that she must have been feeling something. But she said her tears were actually tears of longing and wanting it to happen so bad but it never would. I even stood up for prayer after her testimony thinking this is it… that’s so my story…and then nothing. Now don’t get me wrong. There’s no way I spent 6 months in the presence of God and didn’t walk away different. Plus, I got baptized! I have no doubt that God did a huge work in me in lots of different ways, but I was so sure that at the end of the 6 months I was going to come home confident in love. I was going to feel the love of the Lord finally and nothing else was going to matter. And it didn’t happen. It’s been quite a wrestle and I’ve had to tell God over and over even if you never break in and even if I never feel you, I’m still gonna love you. I’m still gonna sit for hours in the prayer room and sing to you and tell you how beautiful you are because you’re worthy of my praise. Something inside me tells me that even if I never feel you, you’re worth it all.

So what has the Lord been showing me and speaking to me about? My eyes. Before I left for IHOP I got an eye infection and the doctor said it was because of my contacts so I needed to order new contacts. Now that I don’t have eye insurance it’s pretty expensive and I was just talking to God one day and I half-jokingly said, ya know, if you just healed my eyes and gave me 20/20 I wouldn’t have to worry about all this. But I kinda laughed it off. Well when the awakening first happened, one girl stood up and gave her testimony and she was saying that after someone prayed for her, her sight was blurry so she took off her glasses and could see perfectly. God healed her eyes! Now what I thought was just a funny “that would be cool if”, God has shown that He can do and is actually doing now, not just in Bible times. There have been several more testimonies of people receiving 20/20 vision since the awakening’s been going on as well. Over the course of my time at IHOP, different people would come up and pray for me and on 4 or 5 occasions total strangers who didn’t know me at all prayed about me being a “seer” and prayed that my eyes would be opened. Then when I got home, I was meeting with one of my friends and she asked me if I felt like I got any gifts from the Lord while I was up there. I didn’t really know how to answer so I told her the thing about people praying over me and calling me a seer. She got excited and then told me she had a book for me about that. I thought that was pretty cool. Then the next time I met with her the following week, she gave me the book and said that every day since we had met, during her quiet time, every scripture that the Lord would show her had to do with being a seer and she showed me all the verses. And she says it keeps coming up in her quiet times so we’re both praying about what all that means. Then one night I met with a group of ladies that a friend told me about to pray and again they didn’t know me at all and just prayed what they felt from the Holy Spirit and almost all of their prayers were about my physical eyes and the eyes of my heart. I don’t know what it means to be a seer. From what I’ve read it sounds like basically you can see into the spiritual realm and God may give you dreams and visions of heavenly things or angels. This hasn’t happened yet and I’m more in the seek it out and get more information stage but if it’s true, it sounds really exciting! I’ve been listening to this cd by Corey Russell and it’s called Eyes Opened and every time I listen to it my spirit gets stirred up. He keeps talking about how there is an all out assault on the eyes of prophets and seers. We were created to gaze on real beauty and have our eyes captivated and fascinated. We are seated in heavenly places and we are meant to see into the spirit realm. We are in this world but not of it. But we’ve gone so long without experiencing these things that we’re just willing to settle. We’re so easily entertained. One of my favorite lines he says on his cd is we’re so stuffed on PG movies and good things, that we have no appetite for great things, for real things. We are a bored generation and we’ve lived so long in this way, we don’t even know that we’re missing something. I’ve asked God since I’ve been home to open my eyes to see what He wants me to see while I watch tv and I have been shocked by what I see. Shows that I used to watch and find really funny, now I watch and am amazed by how inappropriate it is. There’s sex, or sexual innuendo on almost every show, even family shows just on regular tv. And the only thing I can think of is it’s only going to get worse. My pastor did a sermon just recently on the signs of the end times and one of the parts is talking about how darkness and evil is going to increase. He was saying it is hard to measure something like that but he talked about movie ratings and how they’ve changed over the years and what used to not be allowed to be shown. Wow has it changed. If you get a moment you should listen to his sermon. It was very eye opening and there’s a link under “people get ready.” I’m in this interesting place of being in holy discontent and it’s a strange place to be in. Sitting down in front of the tv is no longer an escape for me, just a reminder that there’s more. As with everything with the Lord it’s a journey and I’m sure I’m only at the beginning but I feel like the Lord has me in a place of what if. What if I choose not to watch that movie or turn off that tv show? What if there’s more? What if turning off those legitimate pleasures opens me up to things that I can’t even fathom? What if not watching that CSI episode causes me to be open to dreaming about God and not have nightmares? What if there’s really more and I really can see it with my very own eyes? What’s interesting about the awakening is that God seems to be doing in the natural what He wants to do in the spiritual. He’s opening eyes and ears in the natural because that’s what He wants to do in the spiritual. He wants to give us eyes to see and ears to hear what the Spirit is saying. I’m contending for my eyes in the natural. I’ll let you know when He heals my eyes! =)

Coming back to Katy has been really hard. I already knew the transition from my protective bubble at IHOP wasn’t going to be easy, but on top of that I came home to my biggest fear being my actual reality. I can honestly say that this last year has been more painful and confusing than anything else I’ve ever experienced. I only thought my heart had been through a lot before. I’ve yelled at God and asked Him why it had to happen this way. What was the point? More than anything I feel like He just played a mean joke on me. I feel like He said I’m gonna give you all these amazing people that you are going to open up your heart to and this amazing job and everything is finally going to fall into place like you want it to, and then bam! I’m going to take it all away. But at the same time, I know that's not His character. I’ve gone through a season of death and mourning what I thought my life was going to look like and the people and new family I thought were going to be a part of it and I think that’s been the hardest part. I don’t understand why things happened the way they did. But I know that He is good and kind and has my best interest in mind. God's leadership over my life is perfect, even when it doesn' t make sense. Everything happened the way it did for God’s greatest glory and to get everyone that has been involved to the place where God wants each of us to be. While I know the truth in my head, we all know that moving it to the heart takes some time. It gets a little easier each day. But the thing is, it’s not about me anyway. I exist so that Jesus will have the preeminence and God will get the greatest glory. I was listening to the FCF service on Sunday and the message was so good! The guy was talking about how as Christians we “sell” Jesus as the way to make yourself happy. Most of the time, we worship Him and praise Him because of things He’s done for us. He talked about the living creatures that are forever around His throne. God has never touched their circumstances. He’s never given them a promotion or lots of money or taken things away from them. They worship Him simply because of who He is. They see Him and Him alone in all of His glory, not what He can do for them, and all they can do is cry HOLY! He asked some really hard questions. He said what are you in this for? What did you move to Kansas City for? If all the cameras left and you were the only person left in the prayer room would it still be worth it? Would you still be here? If you never have a huge ministry and God never promotes you is it still worth it? Then the one that really got me was this one- if you never get the breakthrough is He still worth it? I just started crying and I realized that my answer is yes. Whether I ever get the breakthrough I want, whether I ever “feel” Him, He’s worth it simply because of who He is. I just want Jesus!

So where is this journey taking me next? Back to KC! Before I came home I had pretty much decided that I wanted to go back and go to school up there which would have been the last thing I would have ever imagined I would do because I don’t think I’m smart enough for Bible college. (I do realize this is a lie) The internship was so amazing and I felt like I learned so much but I felt like the 6 months was training wheels. I’m still so new in the Lord and I don’t know the Bible that well and I feel like I still need so much more. I think FSM is a good place to start. The first 2 years are kinda like core classes so I figure I’ll at least do 2 years and then kinda see where I am. But who knows, I may decide after a semester that it’s not for me after all and my plans may change, or maybe I'll go for 4 years and declare a major. Sometimes God tells you to do something and other times He asks you to make a choice. I feel like I’m in a place right now of God going what do you want to do Amy? Do you want to stay in Katy and be an intercessory missionary with the Katy prayer room? I will bless it. Do you want to go to IHOP and go to school and go back on nights? I will bless it. It’s not about IHOP versus Katy because basically I would be doing the same thing whether I was here or there, but the school is there. Plus I get to go back on nights there. I’ve never made a decision based on what I wanted to do. It has always been based off what I think others want me to do. For the first time in my life I’m making a decision based on what I want to do and as scary as it is to pack up and move, it’s also really exciting. I can’t guarantee I’ll come back to Katy, and I can’t guarantee I won’t. There have been several words spoken over me about being called to the nations and rebuilding Israel and I don’t know if that means I will actually go to another country and be a missionary or if it means I will sit in a prayer room somewhere and pray it in. I’m done planning my life. Every time I thought I knew where my life was going and could see what my future looked like, it didn’t happen that way. So now I’m taking it step by step, and my next step in this journey is KC. I have no idea what my future looks like and I absolutely hate that, but I’m letting go and trusting God that His will, not mine, will be done in my life. So the journey continues…hopefully it will get less bumpy soon.