October 31, 2010
I was informed by several people that the dates I post my blogs are not showing up. I tried to figure out why and I think it's just because of the new background I have and I couldn't figure out how to change it so from now on I will be putting the date in all my posts at the beginning. Hope that helps!
So it's been a while since I wrote a blog. I have had a lot happening inside me and in my heart and I think I'm needing some time to process everything. It's all good but I just don't think I have any words to put to it as of yet...so more to come later.
About a month ago, our school leadership informed us that we had the opportunity to go on a mission trip to California. Last year they took the 3rd and 4th year students to Boston and this year they decided to take all years and therefore 1st years such as myself were able to go. To be honest, I was not super excited about the trip. I've only ever been on one mission trip and that was in high school. I don't really count it though because it was more of a service project. We are going like really bare bones and staying in churches and sleeping in sleeping bags and taking charter buses so it's super cheap but it's not included in tuition so we each had to raise $500 in order to go. Now if you've been following my journey with money you will know that this was an instant stumbling block for me. Immediately I was like well I guess I'm not going because I don't have anywhere close to that amount of money just hanging around. Then one day in the prayer room they asked any of the students who were going on the trip to stand up and they wanted to pray for us. Initially I didn't stand but then saw that there were hardly any students in the room at that time so I decided well ok I guess I'll stand but it's not like anyone is going to pray for me anyway. God is so funny. When I stand and actually want prayer, nobody prays. But when I don't want it, everyone prays. I'm not kidding. I was like bombarded with prayer, and intense prayer about my calling and everything. So afterwards I sat down and I said ok God obviously I will take that as a sign you want me to go but you and I both know these funds are basically impossible so if you want me to go then you will have to come up with the money. And I mean I had like little to no faith that He would come through. Isn't that horrible how fast I can go from seeing the miraculous way He provided for me to get here and has continued to provide month after month even though I don't have enough monthly support raised yet to doubting that this time He's not gonna come through? But man did He. I not only was blessed with enough for California, but enough for an entire month of expenses including rent! He is so faithful even when I am basically faithless! He is just so good!! It was also really amazing to hear the God stories of my fellow students of how the Lord provided for them too. Every person who wanted to go got the funds! Now there's a total faith booster =)
So anyway the trip is November 4-November 15 which means I leave on Thursday which came a lot sooner than I expected it to. The school is doing a 21 day fast which started last Sunday so as of today I've been going about a week and then will continue through the end of the FIGHT conference in California. I would really appreciate prayer for grace for this fast as well as just that I would be open to be used however God wants to use me in California. I am excited but also have a lot of fear and anxiety in not really knowing what will happen...I'm sure there will be many stories when I get back. Thanks for the prayers!
You always have mine! Your dad and I are so proud of you moving out of your comfort zone. Have a safe and Blessed trip :-)
We love you!!
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