November is the time I usually do my quarterly update, so I figured I’d sit down this week and type one up while I am on Thanksgiving break. I went back and re-read my last update to see where I needed to pick up from. Some of you already have updated information but I’ll start where I left off for those who don’t. As of my last update, I was moving to Georgia but did not have a job or a place to live. Within a week of getting accepted to the academy I had both. I put my resume on indeed and I zoomed with a preschool who was willing to wait for me until I arrived in September even though the school started in August- which is pretty much unheard of. When I came for a visit back in March, glory nights was only in the evenings, so I had to fill my days with things to do. Before I left, a sweet parent and friend gave me some money and said to spend it on myself. Friday was the first day of the conference and it was supposed to rain all day so I figured it wouldn’t be the best idea to be out hiking in it, so I found a spa in Conyers and made an appointment. When I arrived, I was filling out the paperwork and they asked why I was in town and when I shared the receptionist said no way I go to school there! So, we exchanged numbers and when I found out I was moving she was the first person I contacted to find out about housing. Well, it turns out she was moving, and her place was coming available. She had a small studio apartment on a 15-acre horse farm that was about 40 minutes from the church. Originally, I thought that was too far as I would have preferred to live closer to the church, but when I got the preschool job, I discovered it was only 7 min from there so I decided it would be better to be closer to work since I had to be there so early so, I went ahead and took that place. Clearly divinely orchestrated-even in me meeting her at the spa. So, I moved here the last week of August and I’ve been here about 3 months now.
Honestly, it has been a rough transition. There was some drama with the movers but eventually we finally got everything where it needed to be. My new bed was delayed so I slept on an air mattress the first week which wasn’t ideal but doable. However, the day before the academy was supposed to start, I woke up to heart palpitations. This was not a new occurrence as these had happened before and the cardiologist was not able to find anything before so when they happen, I just push through and wait them out. They’ve been mostly sporadic over the years, but I had noticed an increase as I prepared to move to Georgia. Well, this time it happened 3 times in 1 day which had never happened before, so I went to urgent care and then was transported to the hospital and was admitted overnight. They discovered that I have svt which is an electrical problem and now I am on heart medicine for it. To be honest, it was a really scary experience to go through by myself not knowing anyone and not having insurance, but I was released just in time to fill my prescription, go home and take a shower and then drive to my first class. It definitely felt like warfare, but I said not today satan. You’re not making me miss my first class! The cardiologist said we will just watch it and see if the episodes increase and if they do, we will look at changing the meds or worst-case scenario, an ablation procedure. Also because of being in the hospital, I missed my first official day of work so that didn’t exactly start me out on the right foot. I truly believe it was an attack from the enemy on my health and my finances which just solidified for me that I am right where the Lord wants me.
Academy is going really well. I am really enjoying my
classes and even though it’s been a rough transition I know that I am where I
am supposed to be. I just keep reminding myself- just because it’s hard doesn’t
mean it’s not God. We had another glory
nights a couple weekends ago and it was so strange to think how quickly life
has changed since the last one I came for. I packed up my whole life and I live
here now! I am so glad to be here and am
excited to see what God wants to do over these next 2 years. I’m slowly meeting
people and making friends but honestly that would be my biggest prayer request
right now- friends =) The timing of the Lord is interesting though because last
night in class it was mentioned that they are actually not opening the academy
up to new students for a while. They want to really focus on the ones they have
and steward them well, so I got in just in time. Yet again another confirmation
of the Lord’s perfect leadership. We really can trust His timing and that He
knows what He’s doing. This month is the end of my first trimester. Man if I thought 4 years flew by, this 2 years is gonna feel like a blink.
As for my job- that’s my least favorite part of my move so far. I am grateful that they waited for me, and I am grateful to be getting paid a salary however this job has been a nightmare. Because the class started in August and I did not get here until September, most of the usual classroom routine things that get reiterated over and over at the beginning didn’t happen so the class is complete chaos, and I just can’t get control. I have an assistant who is great, but we have a class of 18 and only 4 of those are girls, and that in itself makes it challenging. I had one student at the beginning who was not only verbally but physically abusive to me. I don’t know what changed but luckily that has de-escalated substantially. He is still a handful though. Although it’s a “Christian” daycare, the Pre-k program is state funded and therefore I do not get to teach Jesus or the Bible. I knew that coming in and it was my one hesitation in taking the job, but it really does make a difference. I had no idea how much I would miss the atmosphere of working in a Christian school. This has basically been like working in public school all over again and keeping up with the state requirements has been a job in itself. It has been very overwhelming and stressful, and I have been clashing with admin and feel like I am failing at every possible turn. I am a woman of my word, and I will honor my commitment to finish the year, but I really miss teaching kids about Jesus.
On top of all of the transition, the past month has been hard as I have been processing all of the ihop controversy. If you are not aware just google it. You’ll find more information than you wanted, I’m sure. Even though I’m not there currently, I was for 14 years and truly thought I would be there forever- Maybe even go back when the academy is done. It’s all so sad and heartbreaking and the way it’s being handled is very upsetting. A couple of people have mentioned that it may have been the mercy of the Lord to move me away when He did. I don't know, but again- His leadership is always perfect. I really do miss the nightwatch though. I knew I would but that’s probably been the hardest part of the whole transition. I really love the nightwatch and I miss singing to Jesus in the middle of the night!
So like I said, it’s been a bit of a rough transition haha! But I know these things take time and it will get better. But you love me for my honesty, and I’d be lying if I said it was all sunshine and rainbows =)
I know the most common question I get asked by y’all is “what do you think the Lord is doing?” One of our classes this trimester is called the school of dying to self. And honestly, I think that’s what He’s doing. He’s causing me to die to myself so that He can live through me and ultimately get all the glory. The refining process is never easy and often painful, but the result is coming out shining like the Son- and that makes it all worth it. So once again I’m surrendering to His perfect leadership and His perfect process of refining and making me more like Him.
On an exciting note- This week is my birthday! Praise God I am off all week from teaching, so I am taking the week to do my usual dreaming with the Lord and asking for vision for the upcoming year and beyond. It’s so weird not to be in Kansas City to celebrate my birthday but I think I will get a small group of girls together that I’ve met here to do something. Of course phone calls and facetimes are always welcome =)
Happy birthday dear Amy!!! I think you are so brave to follow Jesus on this adventure. Enjoy every moment as the story of your life is being written!!! To God be the glory!!! Love you! Kelley
Happy Belated Birthday Amy.
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