By Faith Amy...

January 20, 2013

Happy New Year! Don’t you just love the start of a new year? A time to reflect on your past year and think about your life? Especially on New Year’s since I am always at the Onething conference I think where was I this time last year? How was my heart? Man 30 was my best year so far! I loved 30!

So as most of you know on Thanksgiving weekend I turned 31 and I actually had the privilege of going to a wedding and celebrating a good friend. It’s funny because I try to not make my birthday a reason to think about the fact that I am not married yet and have not started my family, but seeing as I was going to a wedding on my actual birthday, I was kind of confronted with it. Haha So I was like you know Lord it would be awesome if you could give me some vision for my life. I mean I am turning 31 and don’t get me wrong. Most days I love my life and actually love the fact that I don’t have the responsibility of being a wife and mother, but if I were to meet my husband tomorrow, I mean it’s not like I would complain or anything. But here I am a third year student at IHOPU. Which means I only have like a year and a half left and I am already starting to get the question, so what are you going to do after you graduate? Would you please just show me what You’re doing and why You have me here? So the night before my birthday I went to bed asking for a dream and nothing. The day of I didn’t get anything and then that night I was like ok Lord last chance tonight in a dream? But I woke up and of course nothing. I was a little discouraged, but to be honest it’s not like I really expected Him to answer.  

So anyway that next week I went back to school and on Wednesday in our Romans class, Holy Spirit totally hijacked the class (I love when He does that) and Dave Sliker started talking all about the next generation and how important it was and for maybe like 30 minutes to an hour we talked about families and spouses and then we got into little groups and prayed for eachother’s future spouses and children. One of my friends was so sweet and really felt like she wanted to pray for my kids so she did. When it was done, I really felt like the Lord had done it just for me. I mean sure there were others in the room that I’m sure were touched but I really thought it was just for me. Then that same day in our CEC practicum we had a guy come in a give us a presentation on the 4/14 window. The 4/14 window is part of the 10/40 window, which you may have heard of. The 10/40 Window is the rectangular area of North Africa, the Middle East and Asia approximately between 10 degrees north and 40 degrees north latitude. The 10/40 Window is often called "The Resistant Belt" and includes the majority of the world's Muslims, Hindus, and Buddhists. Anyway it’s called the 4/14 window because in the 10/40 window, the greatest population of people in that geographic location are between the ages of 4-14. Which means the majority are children. Now I had heard of this before, but when he gave the presentation, it was like he was simply reiterating what Dave Sliker had said that very morning. I felt like both classes were complete confirmation of eachother. Then on Friday morning in the prayer room, the same girl that prayed for me in Romans class pulled me out of the prayer room and told me she got a word for me and proceeded to give it to me and then pray over me. Ya’ll I have never gotten a word like this before. It was so encouraging to my heart! Here it is:

I read a verse yesterday and felt like it was for you related to what we talked about in Romans class (raising up the next generation). 

"And your ancient ruins shall be rebuilt;
you shall raise up the foundations of many generations;
you shall be called the repairer of the breach,
the restorer of streets to dwell in." -Isaiah 58:12

You are going to be a spiritual mother to generations long after you die. I feel like you are going to have a multitude of spiritual (as well a natural) children who can trace their spiritual heritage and inheritance back to you.

You are going to be key in turning the generations that follow (specifically your own family line) back to the Lord. You are going to restore the ancient heritage of those in your family line who loved Jesus. It reminds me of the righteous kings of Israel who repaired and restored the temple after it had been shut down for generations by wicked kings. 

You are going to clear a path on the "ancient streets" our spiritual mothers and fathers walked on (Jeremiah 6:16, Song of Songs 1:8) so future generations can walk them. You are doing this just by living the way you do, following Jesus, you are making the way easier for them. This is how you are a Forerunner. Your lifestyle is your message and it prepares the way of the Lord. In the time of John the Baptist preparing the way of the Lord was something a city would do for a king when he came to visit a city. They would clear the street and make them as smooth as possible for his entrance into the city.

I got a picture of you on an overgrown dirt road going through a wilderness. You were on your hands and knees digging up boulders and weeds and throwing them off to the side of the road, clearing the way. It was slow, hard work but you were moving forward and the path was getting clear bit by bit. Then you reached the end of your path and Jesus called you to Himself and you went to be with Him.

Then children came and walked to the end of the path you cleared. It didn't take them long at all because you cleared the way, but they still had to choose to walk it. When they got to the end they saw that it went even further and began to clear the way the same way you did. The road grew longer and longer until they were called to be with Jesus as well. Then more children came and started to clear the road where they ended. It went on like this for generations. The road grew longer and longer because you started clearing it and others followed after you, even after you were gone. 

I got another picture of a street paved with gold bricks in the New Jerusalem. It was called "Amy's Road" and was put there in memory of the time you spent clearing the path. I believe that this either represents the fact that Jesus will reward and honor you publicly for the time you spend clearing the road, or it is actually the real reward He is going to put in the New Jerusalem for you. He sees the time you spend clearing the path and it’s as precious as pure gold to Him.

Your love for generations you will never see is the same love Jesus had for a people who had yet to be born when He poured His life out for them on the cross. You are pouring your life out for generations you will never meet, who may never know the labor of love you did for them. Your love for people you will never meet is precious!

So then the next morning I was in the shower and I had this sudden realization, Oh my gosh. You actually answered my birthday prayer didn’t you? That’s what this entire week was about- You giving me vision for my life. He’s never answered me that quick before. So on Saturdays I have a small accountability group with some girls on nightwatch, who I absolutely adore, and I was sharing my week and everything that had happened. And one of the girls goes, Amy He didn’t give you a dream because you could easily dismiss a dream. He chose to speak in class, and then it went to a smaller context, your CEC practicum, and then He gave a word to friend, and last Holy Spirit confirmed it to you Himself when you were in the shower this morning. Talk about an answered prayer! He’s so just so kind. 

Then to top it all off, I served in CEC at the onething conference. On one of the mornings Dave Sliker came in to talk to the kids. We did worship and then he got up to give his message and he goes, you know I was gonna talk to ya’ll about Jesus but when I came in here and was looking around I was asking the Lord who you guys are and he told me so now I have a completely different message. I love when that happens! Anyway he started by saying you guys are missionaries. You know how when you’re little and people ask you what do you want to be when you grow up and you say doctor, lawyer, teacher? Well the Lord wants to give you a new vision for what you can be when you grow up, a missionary. Now initially I was annoyed and thought great that’s all they seem to be talking about around here. We’re equipping you so you can go out into all the nations and preach the gospel and now they’re trying to convince the kids too (just being honest here). But then he said something that completely shifted how I saw being a missionary. He said did you know that there are people living on the tops of mountains and in the lowest of valleys that don’t know Jesus? God is raising up a generation, your generation, that’s gonna say they’re not singing to Jesus there. They need to be singing to Jesus there. And they will go there and start singing to Jesus and because they are singing to Jesus, others around will start singing too. It was so simple but I thought wow God if it’s really that simple then of course. Why wouldn’t I go somewhere and sing to you so that others can see how beautiful you are and start singing to you too? For the first time in my life I could see how being a missionary made sense. Then Dave asked if there was anyone in the room who felt like this was them to stand and we were going to pray for them. So a good number of kids stood up and I went around and was praying for them and I just had tears streaming down my face as I was praying. It was a really beautiful moment. At the end of that set, one of my friends, my evangelism buddy from the blitz trip first semester, was like Amy you’re awesome. He was like you’re a really good leader, but then you also worship. And the kids are watching you. And I thought huh if that's true, then that’s confirmation of the part of the word that said, “You are doing this just by living the way you do, following Jesus, you are making the way easier for them. This is how you are a Forerunner. Your lifestyle is your message and it prepares the way of the Lord.”  

When I first started going back to church, my pastor gave a message on the by faith chapter, Hebrews 11 I think. At the end of the message for the prayer time, he asked us to ask the Lord to complete this sentence. By faith and then your name… So I was like ok cool let’s see what happens. So I said ok Lord by faith Amy… and He finished it with “Led the next generation into the Lord’s battle.” Now you know I struggle with knowing whether or not I actually hear God, but this was not something I could make up. I mean why on earth would that have ever come out of my own mind? So I’ve known that I am called to the next generation, (whatever that means or looks like) but I feel like I am finally starting to see a glimpse of what that could look like. I don’t know if God will call me to be a missionary. I have a sneaky suspicion He might, and if He does, I know He is in the process of preparing my heart. But whether I go or not, I am called to raise up those who will go. I am called to love Jesus and sing to Him, and as I do, the next generation will see me singing and want to sing too. It’s not about me, it truly is about the ones coming after me. It’s about God getting the glory and the honor that He’s due from every tribe, tongue and nation. Because when that happens, He will come. And oh what a glorious day that will be! The wisdom of sitting in a prayer room night after night singing to Jesus will be justified when I finally see Him face to face and look into His eyes of fire!